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Actreen® self-catheters

A good choice for you and the environment

Over the past 50 years, ecological awareness has increased; Apart from global warming the next pressing issue is ocean pollution.[1] And this is where you can act for tomorrow.

Hands holding a plant with a sun in the background
Keep the ocean in mind
What do these figures have to do with your catheter usage?[6,7]
A father and daughter share a joyful moment together in a wheelchair, showcasing their strong bond and connection.

Eco design meets innovation

So it is up to you to decide on a catheter which is reliable and offers you the comfort you need. Discover with Actreen® a comfortable and easy-to-use catheterization[8] which can make your ecological footprint smaller.[9]

Hand holding a plant with a heart above it, symbolizing eco-friendliness

Arrows pointing towards the catheter

A triangle formed by three curved arrows, each pointing to the next, creating the recycling symbol

word toxic is crossed out in the circle

How do catheters impact your bathroom waste?

One of the measurable distinctions between Actreen® and other intermittent catheters is your reduced bathroom waste. Due to its eco-design, the product’s volume is noticeably reduced. Find out how big this difference really is.

Actreen® pouches

Another step towards more sustainability

You are active and on the road a lot and you don’t want to think about the supply of catheters. Therefore you receive a free pouch with every package of Actreen® in which you can easily carry your catheters. Because wherever you go, you want to be prepared – anytime.

Now B. Braun has taken another step towards making Actreen® greener and created a new generation of pouches. In contrast to the previous ones, they are now made of paper with a special PVC-coating and designed to be used multiple times, even in a wet environment.[11]
So, we have been able to reduce the pouches PVC content significantly and keep the pouches durable – for every version: 

Due to its low PVC content (compared to 100 percent PVC bags), this new generation of pouches marks our common path to a greener Actreen®.

Eco-awareness is in Actreen®'s DNA

The first product generation was developed in 2004 and has continually improved its ecological footprints.


  1. Wearden G.:More plastic than fish in the sea by 2050, says Ellen MacArthur. The Guardian. January 19, 2016. Accessed May 23, 2023.
  2. Ter Halle A., Perez E.: Plastic pollution at sea: the seventh continent, Encyclopedia of the Environment. February 7, 2019. [online ISSN 2555-0950] url : Accessed June 2, 2023
  3. National Geographic Society: Marine Pollution. May 20, 2022. Accessed June 6, 2023. 
  4. WWF Australia: The lifecycle of plastics. July 1, 2021. Accessed June 12, 2023
  5. Danopoulos E., Jenner L.C., Twiddy M., Rotchell J.M.: Microplastic Contamination of Seafood Intended for Human Consumption: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Environmental Health Perspectives 2020; 128(12): 1-32. Accessed June 19, 2023
  6. Groen J, Pannek J, Castro Diaz D, Del Popolo G, Gross T, Hamid R, Karsenty G, Kessler TM, Schneider M, 't Hoen L, Blok B.:Summary of European Association of Urology (EAU) Guidelines on Neuro-Urology. Eur Urol. February 2016; 69(2):324–33. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2015.07.071. Epub August 22, 2015. PMID: 26304502.
  7. Woodbury M.G., Hayes K.C., Askes H.K.: Intermittent catheterization practices following spinal cord injury: a national survey. Can J Urol. June 2008; 15(3):4065–71. PMID: 18570710.
  8. Rew M, Lake H..: A survey of short- and long-term pre-lubricated intermittent catheters. Br J Nurs. 2013 Oct 10-23;22(18):S12, S14-18. doi: 10.12968/bjon.2013.22.Sup18.S12. PMID: 24121768
  9. Bouton F.: Qualitative environmental comparison between: Actreen® Hi Lite & Mini ranges and the main European competitor catheters. EVEA fabrique de solutions durables. July 2020.
  10. Wang X., Hu S., Gui Y., Li G., Xu R.: Toughened High-Flow Polypropylene with Polyolefin-Based Elastomers. PolymersPolymers 2019, 11, 1976; doi:10.3390/polym11121976 
  11. Technical file B. Braun pouch: grammar of pvc per pouch. November 30, 2020