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Stop Wrong-site nerve blocks

Perform your time out with EZCOVER®

Wrong-site nerve blocks (WSNB) are considered as “never events” in health care, yet they continue to occur and pose a risk of serious consequences.1 WSNB can harm the patient, increase treatment costs and lead to a loss of trust in the health care system. Medico-legal claims arising from WSNB are indefensible, and typically settle as a malpractice damage.2

EZCOVER® handling video
EZCOVER® with Stop Safety Shield
Anesthesiologist perfoms an Ultrasound guided Regional Anesthesia procedure on a patient using B. Braun Nerve Block Needle and EZCOVER probe cover for infection prevention.

EZCOVER® benefits

• Assures compliance with the WHO checklist (JCI standards IPSG4 and IPSG.4.1)

• Complies with the new prep-stop-block SOP 

• Designed to reduce risks of wrong-site blocks

EZCOVER® with Stop safety shield.
The stop shield provides a physical barrier to remind the health care providers to implement the time-out moment, immediately prior to the start of the procedure. 


1. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Never Events. September 7, 2019. Accessed July 12, 2021.

2. Deutsch ES, Yonash RA, Martin DE, et al. Wrong-site nerve blocks: A systematic literature review to guide principles for prevention. J Clin Anesth. 2018;46:101-111.

3. Regional Anesthesia UK (RAUK), Safe Anesthesia Liaison Group (SALG). Stop Before You Block. 2015. Accessed July 12, 2021. index.php/ stop-before-you-block

4. NHS England, Never Events Data Base 2018-2021;

5. Vandebergh V, Coll V, Keunen B. Prevention of Wrong-Side Nerve Blocks: Part 2. Anesthesiology News. 2021 Sep; 27-31

6. N. Haslam, N. Bedforth, J. J. Pandit. ‘Prep, stop, block’: refreshing ‘stop before you block’ with new national guidance, 2022 Apr, Anesthesia, Volume77, Issue4, 372-375