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Stop pressure ulcer formation

Time to focus on pressure ulcer prevention

We all want to avoid pressure ulcers. Considerable progress has been made in this area the past few years. Nevertheless, pressure ulcers remain a challenge. B. Braun offers different solutions including products for skin care and skin protection. Taking action right from the start can help you to protect your patients from pressure ulcers.[1]

Illustration: B. Braun solutions to help prevent pressure ulcers

The importance of pressure ulcer prevention

Pressure ulcers can be caused if the blood supply to the skin or to the underlying tissues is compromised. Predisposing factors include limitations in activity/mobility, deficiencies in nutrition and skin moisture, inadequate perfusion, and the use of mechanical devices that exert pressure on the skin.[2]

Pressure ulcers may develop quickly - between the first hour and 4 to 6 hours after sustained loading.[3]

  • Up to


    of hospital acquired pressure ulcers are preventable.[1]

In most cases, pressure ulcers have a significant impact on patient morbidity[4] and quality of life[5] and can even impact patient survival.[2]

The cost of pressure ulcer treatment can be more than 2.5 times higher than prevention.[6]

Preventive measures to adapt


illustration: spread awareness
illustrations: measures to prevent pressure ulcers

Linovera skin care portfolio

Askina Barrier skin protection portfolio

Askina Heel dressing portfolio

Askina DresSil dressing portfolio
The impact a pressure ulcer can have on a person's life
Miguel Jopia Cuevas Pressure ulcer


  1. Chaboyer W, Bucknall T, Webster J, McInnes E, Gillespie BM, Banks M, Whitty JA, Thalib L, Roberts S, Tallott M, Cullum N, Wallis M. The effect of a patient centred care bundle intervention on pressure ulcer incidence (INTACT): A cluster randomised trial. Int J Nurs Stud. 2016 Dec;64:63-71. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2016.09.015. Epub 2016 Sep 23.
  2. Labeau SO, Afonso E, Benbenishty J, Blackwood B, Boulanger C, Brett SJ, Calvino-Gunther S, Chaboyer W, Coyer F, Deschepper M, François G, Honore PM, Jankovic R, Khanna AK, Llaurado-Serra M, Lin F, Rose L, Rubulotta F, Saager L, Williams G, Blot SI; DecubICUs Study Team; European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) Trials Group Collaborators. Prevalence, associated factors and outcomes of pressure injuries in adult intensive care unit patients: the DecubICUs study. Intensive Care Med. 2021 Feb;47(2):160-169. doi: 10.1007/s00134-020-06234-9. Epub 2020 Oct 9. Erratum in: Intensive Care Med. 2021 Apr;47(4):503-520. PMID: 33034686; PMCID: PMC7880913.
  3. Gefen A. How much time does it take to get a pressure ulcer? Integrated evidence from human, animal, and in vitro studies. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2008 Oct;54(10):26-8, 30-5. PMID: 18927481.
  4. Graves N, Weinhold D, Tong E, Birrell F, Doidge S, Ramritu P, Halton K, Lairson D, Whitby M. Effect of healthcare-acquired infection on length of hospital stay and cost. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2007 Mar;28(3):280-92. doi: 10.1086/512642. Epub 2007 Feb 20. PMID: 17326018.
  5. Sebba Tosta de Souza DM, Veiga DF, Santos ID, Abla LE, Juliano Y, Ferreira LM. Health-Related Quality of Life in Elderly Patients With Pressure Ulcers in Different Care Settings. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2015 Jul-Aug;42(4):352-9. doi: 10.1097/WON.0000000000000142. PMID: 26135820.
  6. Demarré L, Van Lancker A, Van Hecke A, Verhaeghe S, Grypdonck M, Lemey J, Annemans L, Beeckman D. The cost of prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers: A systematic review. Int J Nurs Stud. 2015 Nov;52(11):1754-74. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2015.06.006. Epub 2015 Jun 25. PMID: 26231383.
  7. European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel, and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Clinical Practice Guideline. The International Guideline. 3rd ed. Haesler E, ed. 2019. Last accessed December 27, 2019.
  8. Munoz N, Posthauer ME, Cereda E, Schols JMGA, Haesler E. The Role of Nutrition for Pressure Injury Prevention and Healing: The 2019 International Clinical Practice Guideline Recommendations. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2020 Mar;33(3):123-136. doi: 10.1097/ PMID: 32058438.
  9. Jaul E, Barron J, Rosenzweig JP, Menczel J. An overview of co-morbidities and the development of pressure ulcers among older adults. BMC Geriatr. 2018 Dec 11;18(1):305. doi: 10.1186/s12877-018-0997-7. PMID: 30537947; PMCID: PMC6290523.
  10. Yusuf S, Okuwa M, Shigeta Y, Dai M, Iuchi T, Rahman S, Usman A, Kasim S, Sugama J, Nakatani T, Sanada H. Microclimate and development of pressure ulcers and superficial skin changes. Int Wound J. 2015 Feb;12(1):40-6. doi: 10.1111/iwj.12048. Epub 2013 Mar 12. PMID: 23490303; PMCID: PMC7950852
  11. Gerhardt LC, Strässle V, Lenz A, Spencer ND, Derler S. Influence of epidermal hydration on the friction of human skin against textiles. J R Soc Interface. 2008 Nov 6;5(28):1317-28. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2008.0034. PMID: 18331977; PMCID: PMC2607440.
  12. Lavallée JF, Gray TA, Dumville J, Cullum N. Preventing pressure ulcers in nursing homes using a care bundle: A feasibility study. Health Soc Care Community. 2019 Jul;27(4):e417-e427. doi: 10.1111/hsc.12742. Epub 2019 Mar 27. PMID: 30919525; PMCID: PMC6618244.
  13. Voegeli D, Hillery S. Prevention and management of moisture-associated skin damage. Br J Nurs. 2021 Aug 12;30(15):S40-S46. doi: 10.12968/bjon.2021.30.15.S40. PMID: 34379461.
  14. Barakat-Johnson M, Lai M, Wand T, Li M, White K, Coyer F. The incidence and prevalence of medical device-related pressure ulcers in intensive care: a systematic review. J Wound Care. 2019 Aug 2;28(8):512-521. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2019.28.8.512. PMID: 31393800.
  15. Stolt M, Hjerppe A, Hietanen H, Puukka P, Haavisto E. Local treatment of pressure ulcers in long-term care: a correlational cross-sectional study. J Wound Care. 2019 Jun 2;28(6):409-415. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2019.28.6.409. PMID: 31166863.
  16. Sibbald RG, Elliott JA, Persaud-Jaimangal R, Goodman L, Armstrong DG, Harley C, Coelho S, Xi N, Evans R, Mayer DO, Zhao X, Heil J, Kotru B, Delmore B, LeBlanc K, Ayello EA, Smart H, Tariq G, Alavi A, Somayaji R. Wound Bed Preparation 2021. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2021 Apr 1;34(4):183-195. doi: 10.1097/01.ASW.0000733724.87630.d6.

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