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Health care challenges

Giving back time to those who care

The pressure on health care is a multifaceted issue affecting those working in the health care sector. Increasing workloads, inadequate resources, and high-stress environments contribute to their exhaustion. B. Braun has solutions to adress these problems.

Global health worker shortage

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    more nurses needed in the global health care system by 2030.

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    Nursing vacancies in the UK‘s National Health Service in 2021​.

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    Nationwide health worker shortage in the United States by 2026​.

Global nursing workforce density

This analysis reveals the varying density of health care staff per 1,000 inhabitants in selected countries, highlighting significant disparities and the pressing need for strategic workforce planning in health care systems worldwide.​

kl-2024_07_04_Infografik_Doctors_Nurses Number of medical doctors (grey) and nurses (green) per 1000 inhabitants. 2018 data or latest year available.

In low-income countries, existing inequalities in access to health care are projected to get worse. Whereas in Britain there are more than eight nurses per 1,000 people, there are less than five in the Philippines and and only two in India, for example. According to WHO, Africa will account for 52 percent of the shortage in health workers in 2030.​

With aging populations pushing up the demand for nursing and care, the shortage of health care staff is just as acute in high-income countries. 87 percent of U.S. health care providers report staffing shortages as their biggest challenge. WHO estimates that Europe will have about 830,000 fewer nurses in 2030 than it has today. ​

“Why do nursing staff have to type out important information on a computer? Couldn't that be recorded using a dictation function and transcribed using the appropriate software?”

Xènia Acebes Roldan, Head of Health Care, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona

Nurses intend to quit their job.

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    number of people who left the U.S. care sector during the pandemic.

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    of surveyed nurses in Europe who say they intend to quit their jobs.

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    of U.S. nurses who are thinking about quitting​.

“One of the biggest stress factors for nursing staff in hospitals is that the various work steps are barely synchronized with each other. There have long been technical solutions for this. ”

Professor Wolfgang Buhre, President of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine and Professor of Periooperative Medicine and Anesthesiology at UMC Utrecht


do not feel valued by the organization



feel inadequately compensated



see no education benefits



do not feel work-life balance



consider the workload to be unmanageable


The dimensions of health worker migration

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    of all nurses in high-income countries are foreign-born or foreign-trained.

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    of locally trained physicians in sub-Saharan Africa have migrated to high-income countries​.

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    nurses from the Philippines alone work in high-income OECD countries​.

Druck OECD-countries with the most foreign-trained nurses (left side) & Top exporters of nurses to OECD countries (right side)


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  2. Siegel, S. (2024, 19. April). 2024 Global Health Care Sector Outlook | Deloitte Global. Deloitte.
  3. Berlin, G., Essick, C., Lapointe, M., Murphy, M. & Burns, F. (2023, 5. Mai). Nursing in 2023: How hospitals are confronting shortages. McKinsey & Company.​​
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  10. Nigam, J. A. S., Barker, R. M., Cunningham, T. R., Swanson, N. G. & Chosewood, L. C. (2023). Vital Signs: Health Worker–Perceived Working Conditions and Symptoms of Poor Mental Health — Quality of Worklife Survey, United States, 2018–2022. Morbidity And Mortality Weekly Report, 72(44), 1197–1205.
  11. ​Berlin, G., Essick, C., Lapointe, M., Murphy, M. & Burns, F. (2023, 5. Mai). Nursing in 2023: How hospitals are confronting shortages. McKinsey & Company.​
  12. ​Martin, B., PhD, Kaminski-Ozturk, N., PhD, O’Hara, C., PhD & Smiley, R., MS. (2023). Examining the Impact of the COVID‑19 Pandemic on Burnout and Stress Among U.S. Nurses. Journal Of Nursing Regulation (S. 4–5).
  13. Rotenstein, L. S., Brown, R., Sinsky, C., & Linzer, M. (2023). The Association of Work Overload with Burnout and Intent to Leave the Job Across the Healthcare Workforce During COVID-19. Journal of general internal medicine, 38(8), 1920–1927.
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